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Buck Rogers

Game Log

In Game Log

09/27/2004 - The characters are on the Bucket 5, a belter ship that was hired to take them to an asteroid that NEO is building into a small base. The party is to be stationed at this base to monitor its construction. The Bucket 5 is going to make a few quick stops to hide the true nature of the voyage.

11/15/2004 - The characters are in a small, Class C spaceport on Luna. Their belter escorts have been captured, and they now are trying to find a way off Luna.

11/20/2004 - The characters arrive at the Tycho spaceport on Luna.

12/15/2004 - The group is offered a job by Les Talon, a Lunarian entrepreneur, to retreive his stolen rocket ship, the MineralTrade 1. This ship was hijacked en route to Jupiter.

01/05/2005 - The party boards the Yellow Roykan, a ship that Ralon's uncle lent him to retrieve the stolen transport.

01/02/2005 - The Yellow Roykan runs into a pirate ship approaching the asteroid Riolda. Kent's communications are not welcomed, and the crew goes to red alert to combat this foe.

03/06/2005 - The Yellow Roykan touches down at Riolda. The party rescued a worked by the name of Bass from a pirate vessel. They now need to repair their damaged rocket engine and find medical care for their ship's physican.

12/08/2005 - The party meets with Les Ralon in ihs Tycho office. He rewards them with $8,500 credits. He asks, however, that they keep quiet about this job.

Out of Game Log

08/22/2004 - Started the log. Added information about Salvation III station to the Materials page.

09/27/2004 - is having database login problems. The site seems to work very will in the afternoon and evening, Eastern U.S. time.

11/06/2004 - We're still looking for new players, as a few have dropped in the last few months.

11/20/2004 - I added a map of the Tycho spaceport to the Materials page.

01/05/2005 - I added a link for stats of the Yellow RoyKan on the Materials page.

02/12/2005 - I updated the D20 Conversion.

02/12/2005 - I added a map of the Riolda spaceport to the Materials page.

12/08/2005 - I added some archived threads from this game on the Archive page.