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Buck Rogers

Game Materials

We'll put maps and other materials on this page when the need arises.

Character Record Sheet

Here is the character record sheet that we'll be using for this game.

A worker is one of the oldest types of gennies. They're made to be horribly strong but pitifully dumb. Here's a picture.

Ship Statistics / Charts

Here is some information about the Yellow Roykan.

Here is the combat map as of 2005-01-24. The Yellow Roykan is in yellow.

Here is the combat map as of 2005-01-25. This is after the first 6 rounds of combat.


This is a map of the Riolda spaceport.


This is a map of the Tycho spaceport on Luna.

Salvation III Station

Here are some maps and drawings of Salvation III Station, the headquarters of NEO.

STATION SIZE: 1,240'x720'x425'

Salvation III is a large space station located inside the L5 LaGrangian point. Its overt appearance and function shows it to be a salvage satellite and repair dock. in reality, Salvation III is the New Earth Organization's main headquarters.

The L5 LaGrangian Point has collected a great number of derelict ships that were abandoned years ago, their internal mechanisms long since sold to merchants and engineers alike. The debris in the area is so heavy that the station is hidden from any random sensor scans for activity. Were it not for computer records and occasional patrolling of Earth orbital zones, RAM might forget about Salvation III's existance.

The station has over one hundred permanent residents. The other two hundred occupants are a constantly-rotating group of merchants, NEO agents, Phoenix agents, and occasionally even pirates as well. All these mixed groups of people are welcome and feel welcome here. Salvation III is a place that hides some of the most notorious people in the solar system, but still manages to stay together and keep itself hidden from RAM's watchful eyes.

Salvation III is an oddly-shaped space station with no gravity of consequence; magnetic boots are standard gear on board and are provided for easy movement throughout this metal-floored station. The surface, like Salvation II and many other satellites, is scarred with minor collision damage and meteroite pock marks.

NEO's presence here is kept as subtle as possible. If unscrupulous people discover the true purpose of this station, they quickly find their ships "missing, presumably stolen by pirates." Elaborate coverup schemes by Carton Turabian (the Chief of Operations at Salvation III, and a very high-ranking NEO officer) and NEO later cause people to doubt NEO's presence here at all; the people here will do whatever it takes to protect this secret.