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Buck Rogers

Yellow Roykan

Ship Statistics for the Yellow Roykan


Class Scout Cruiser
Registration Lunarian


Deck 1 Bridge / Sensors / Communications
Deck 2 Galley / Life Support
Deck 3 Crew's Quarters
Deck 4 Airlock / Security Area
Deck 5 Weapons: Beam Laser 1 and Gyrocannon
Deck 6 Weapons: Beam Laser 2 and Missile Mount
Deck 7 Cargo
Deck 8 Engine Room


Weight 50 tons
Length 100 feet
Width 25 feet
Total Cargo Space 50 tons
Usable Cargo Space 10 tons


Speed 3
Initiative Bonus 0
AC Bonus 0

Hit Points

Hull 200
Sensors and Communications 50
Controls 50
Life Support 100
Fuel 150
Engine 150


Armor Maximum Millitary
AC 18


Beam Laser 1
Range Increment 3,000 ft.
Shots Unlimited
Damage 2d8
Hit Bonus +1
Beam Laser 2
Range Increment 3,000 ft.
Shots Unlimited
Damage 2d8
Hit Bonus +1
Range Increment 2,000 ft.
Shots 50
Damage 3d6
Hit Bonus +1
Missile Mount
Range Increment 3,000 ft.
Shots 4
Damage 3d30
Hit Bonus 0